Hello and, isn't that a sight for a good day? :)
How did I found such a picture like that? *looks down*
Ah the stuff we do just to find that extra something for our photos. :P
Today marked the first real day of extra curricular activities. :B a part of me said YES, while the other was worrying about my ever dwindling hours of sleep. :/

With Pn. Amalia telling us about some photo competition going on with the grand winner winning a shit load of money even for a student category, it didn't took much for the half or so the photography club got interested with it. :P The student category is only eligible for students, *of course* with two themes.
1) Eco products or eco services
2) Public transport
I don't know about you guys but, looks like I'm going to take number two and hitch a ride in public transport with the camera more often now. :P
Afterwards, since we had nothing to do AT ALL, boredom sinks in to find us all craving for Clifford's rollerblades and Andre's skateboard yet again :P
And I thought I got it bad, look at Chien Ling. HAHA
Thank god the skirt didn't rupture or anything ._.
And then, after all that, still in my school uniform, I've attended Add Math tuition. :P
Why did I do that? Cause I'm cool liddat. :B
And luckily turns out that I didn't forget either, IT WAS IKMAL'S BIRTHDAY! :D
To celebrate this, we all planned to get a cake for Ikmal today buuuut, since most of us was late, including me, * :/ * Joshua and Kelly decided to find the cake without us so, them two had to pay the whole bulk of RM80 by themselves! D: As I am such a good person, I've offered 20 bucks to pay back but damn right Joshua is a persistent person :/
Happy birthday my big awesome double pedal drumming maestro of Damansara.
Alolololo, look at his face. :D
Anyway, as good tuition buddies that we are, Me, Kelly and Joshua decided to give out cake
to everyone in the class. :)
The biggest slice of course goes to the birthday boy and good 1/4 of the cake :P
After a good 12 hours straight away from home, nothing does give you that satisfaction of a good long day and ending it with you just laying in your bed. Just brilliant. (: